In 2007, I purchased a thoroughbred called Maurice. He was a beautiful big chestnut that I bought on a whim—without considering his age or anything else. He was just so stunning to look at. Little did I know that this horse would be the start of my journey into the world of endocrine diseases, barefoot trimming, and equine nutrition.
At 25 years old, Maurice began showing signs of Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID), also known as Cushing’s Disease. At the time, I knew nothing about this condition. He started developing abscesses, losing weight, and his feet became more deformed by the day. As he deteriorated, I began searching for answers online and came across the ECIR group, led by Dr Eleanor Kellon, which still exists today.
Dr Kellon was the catalyst for my education in PPID and equine nutrition. This was where my passion for learning began. I started studying under Dr Kellon and continue to do so today—because when it comes to horses, we never stop learning. Research into PPID is constantly evolving, and I love staying up to date with new developments.
Along with my studies, I met Sue Daniel, a fellow barefoot trimmer. Sue helped me with Maurice as we tried to improve his feet, but unfortunately, the disease had taken too great a toll. Eventually, I made the heartbreaking decision to give him the gift of peace, and he crossed the rainbow bridge.
Sue encouraged me to learn more about trimming, and over the next year, I followed her around—observing, learning, trimming, and eventually working under her supervision. It was incredibly challenging. At first, I could only trim two feet at a time because it was so physically taxing. But I persevered, and today, it’s my chosen career.
Then came Annie, a five-year-old mare who was emaciated, sad, and had lost all enthusiasm for life. Under my care, she blossomed, and today, at 18 years old, she’s living the dream in a herd on my farm.
Annie was my patient guinea pig. She tolerated my frustration as I struggled to hold her foot and trim at the same time. She put up with my endless poking and prodding while I learned anatomy and massage. Through it all, she remained patient, and I’ll always be grateful to her.
Not long after, I enrolled in the Australian College of Equine Podiotherapy. What a learning experience that was! I loved it—it challenged me, pushed me to work hard, and gave me a deeper understanding of the science behind what I do. It sparked an even greater desire to keep learning. I’ll be a student of the horse forever.
Now, 16 years later, I am loving this life —trimming horses, mixing minerals, and guiding horse owners on best practice feeding and hoof care.
I’m incredibly excited for the future of my business and where it will take me. I hope to inspire my clients to embrace learning—understanding anatomy, trimming, and feeding their horses as nature intended. Nothing excites me more than seeing the changes they’ve made and the improvements in their horses.
The future is bright, and I can’t wait to continue growing, learning, and sharing my knowledge with others.